30. Ritobroto Sikdar, Balaranjan, Selvaratnam, Vidyanshu Mishra, Arthur Mar. "Is there a simple descriptor to predict Laves phases?" Crystal Growth & Design 2025. (accepted).


29. Mohammed Jomaa, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi,  Diganta Sarkar, Ritobroto Sikdar, Mengran Sun, Jiyong Yao, Vladimir K. Michaelis, and Arthur Mar. "Structure and optical properties of LixAg1–xAlSe2" Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2024, 339, 124931. 

28. Mohammed Jomaa, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vidyanshu Mishra, Madhusudan Chaudhary, Brenton Mah, Diane Delaruelle, Vladimir K Michaelis, Arthur Mar. "In search of coloured alloys resembling gold: Structure and optical properties of LiCu2Ga1–xAlx and Li(Cu1–yNiy)2Ga" Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2024, 339, 124909.

27. Geetansh Chawla, Saurav Sarma, Jithu Raj, Debabrata Bagchi, Mohd. Riyaz, Soumyabrata Roy, Vidyanshu Mishra, Devender Goud, Sebastian Peter. "Lattice Charge Tuning Driven Multi-Carbon Products from Carbon Dioxide” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2024, 12, 9787–9794.

26. Trinanjan Dey, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Fuwei Wen, Vidyanshu Mishra, Vladimir Michaelis, Arthur Mar. "Are Selenides the Same as Sulfides? Structure, Spectroscopy, and Properties of Narrow-Gap Rare-Earth Semiconductors RE4Sn(S1–xSex)5 (RE = La, Ce; x = 0–0.8)" Inorganic Chemistry 2024, 63, 10726–10736.

25. Amit Bhattacharya, Vidyanshu Mishra, Victor V. Terskikh, Arthur Mar, Vladimir K. Michaelis. “Influence of Ge Substitution on the Structure and Optical Properties of CuZnSn1–xGexS4 Photovoltaic Materials” Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2024, 12, 15938-15949.

24. Ritobroto Sikdar, Nilanjan Roy, Balaranjan Selvaratnam, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Amit Mondal, Krishnendu Buxi, Partha Pratim Jana, Arthur Mar. "Ahead by a Century:  Discovery of Laves Phases Assisted by Machine Learning" Inorganic Chemistry 2024, 63, 5972–5981.

23. Vidyanshu Mishra, Ibrahim Munkaila Abdullahi, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Mohammed Jomaa, Louis Guérin, Manashi Nath, Arthur Mar. “Quaternary Rare-Earth Oxyselenides RE4Ga2Se7O2 (RE = Pr, Nd) with Trigonal Bipyramidal GaSe5 Units: Evaluation of Optical, Thermoelectric, and Electrocatalytic Properties” Chemistry of Materials 2024, 36, 937–948. Special issue dedicated to C.N.R. Rao at 90.


22. Diganta Sarkar, Amit Bhattacharya, Jan Meyer, Anna Maria Kirchberger, Vidyanshu Mishra, Tom Nilges, and Vladimir K. Michaelis. "Unravelling Sodium-ion Dynamics in P2-type Honeycomb-layered Na2MgxZn2–xTeO6 Solid Electrolytes with Solid-state NMR" Journal of the American Chemical Society  2023, 145, 19727–19745.

21. Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vidyanshu Mishra, Soumyabrata Roy, C. P. Vinod, and Sebastian C. Peter. "Metal Deficiency tailored by the 18-Electron Rule Stabilizes Metal based Inorganic Compounds” Chemistry of Materials 2023, 35, 6050–6058.

20. Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vidyanshu Mishra, Mohammed Jomaa, Xiaoyuan Liu, Abhoy Karmakar, Sambhavi Thirupurasanthiran, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Andrew P. Grosvenor, Alkiviathes Meldrum, Arthur Mar. “Controlling the Luminescence of Rare-Earth Chalcogenide Iodides RE3(Ge1–xSix)2S8I (RE = La, Ce, Pr) and Ce3Si2(S1–ySey)8I” Chemistry of Materials 2023, 35, 6039–6049.

19. Mohammed Jomaa, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Ritobroto Sikdar, Diganta Sarkar, Mengran Sun, Jiyong Yao, Vladimir K. Michaelis, and Arthur Mar. "Structure and Optical Properties of LixAg1–xGaSe2 and LixAg1–xInSe2" Inorganic Chemistry 2023, 62, 7491-7502.

18. Madhusudan Chaudhary, Abhoy Karmakar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Amit Bhattacharya, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Arthur Mar, Vladimir K. Michaelis. "Effect of Aliovalent Bismuth Substitution on Structure and Optical Properties of CsSnBr3" Communications Chemistry  2023, 6, 75.


17. Vidyanshu Mishra, Alexander Zabolotnii, and Arthur Mar. "La4Ga2Se6O3: A rare-earth oxyselenide built from one-dimensional strips" Inorganic Chemistry 2022, 61, 12458.

16. Amit Bhattacharya, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dylan G. Tkachuk, Arthur Mar, Vladimir K. Michaelis. "Mercurial possibilities: determining site distributions in Cu2HgSnS4 Using 63/65Cu, 119Sn, and 199Hg solid-state NMR spectroscopy" Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2022, 24, 24306–24316.

15. Mohammed Jomaa, Vidyanshu Mishra, Madhusudan Chaudhary, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Arthur Mar. "True colours shining through:  Determining site distributions in coloured Li-containing quaternary Heusler compounds"  Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2022, 314, 123372.

14. Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Vidyanshu Mishra, Sven Lidin, Arthur Mar. "Minority report: Structure and bonding of YbNi3Ga9 and YbCu3Ga8 obtained in gallium flux" Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2022, 311, 123157.

13. Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Abishek K. Iyer, Wenlong Yin, Arthur Mar. "Semiconducting Sm3GaSe5O with trigonal bipyramidal GaSe5 units" Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2022, 308, 122901.

12. Mohammed Jomaa, Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Madhusudan Chaudhary, Grygoriy Dmytriv, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Arthur Mar. "Coloured intermetallic compounds Li2ZnGa and Li2ZnIn" Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2022, 306, 122792.


11. Yuqiao Zhou, Yu Qiu, Vidyanshu Mishra, Arthur Mar. "Lost horses on the frontier: K2BiCl5 and K3Bi2Br9" Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2021, 304, 122621.

10. Vidyanshu Mishra, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Abishek K. Iyer, Arthur Mar. "Rare-earth indium selenides RE3InSe6 (RE = La−Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb): Structural evolution from tetrahedral to octahedral sites" Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2021, 297, 122096.


9. Vidyanshu Mishra, Abishek K. Iyer, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Anton O. Oliynyk, Guillaume Zuber, Aurélien Boucheron, Grygoriy Dmytriv, Guy M. Bernard, Vladimir K. Michaelis, Arthur Mar,. "Coloured intermetallic compounds LiCu2Al and LiCu2Ga" Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2020, 292, 121703.

8. Saurav Ch. Sarma, Sai Manoj Kaja, Vidyanshu Mishra, Chathakudath Prabhakaran Vinod, and Sebastian C. Peter. "Tweaking Palladium Electronic Structure to Attain Oxygen Reduction Activity Superior to Platinum/C" ACS Applied Energy Materials 2020, 3, 6127–6132.

7. Saurav Ch. Sarma, Vidyanshu Mishra, Vamseedhara Vemuri, and Sebastian C. Peter. “Breaking the OO Bond”: Deciphering the Role of Each Element in Highly Durable CoPd2Se2 toward Oxygen Reduction Reaction"  ACS Applied Energy Materials 2020, 3, 231–239.


6. Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Abishek K. Iyer, Ebru Üzer, Vidyanshu Mishra, Anton O. Oliynyk, Tom Nilges, Arthur Mar. "Synthesis, structure, and properties of rare-earth germanium sulfide iodides RE3Ge2S8I (RE = La, Ce, Pr)" Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2019, 274, 162–167.

5. Saurav Ch. Sarma, Vamseedhara Vemuri, Vidyanshu Mishra, Sebastian C. Peter. “Sacrificial protection in action!”: ultra-high stability of palladesite mineral towards the oxygen reduction reaction" Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7, 979–984.


4. Saurav Ch. Sarma, Vidyanshu Mishra, K. A. Ann Mary, Soumyabrata Roy, and Sebastian C. Peter. “Inverse Strain Effect in Atomic Scale”—Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Activity and Durability in Cu-Substituted Palladseite" ACS Energy Letters 2018, 3, 3008–3014.

3. Vidyanshu Mishra, Udumula Subbarao, Soumyabrata Roy, Saurav Ch. Sarma, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Shreya Sarkar, and Sebastian C. Peter. "Anisotropic Near-Zero Thermal Expansion in REAgxGa4–x (RE = La–Nd, Sm, Eu, and Yb) Induced by Structural Reorganization" Inorganic Chemistry 2018, 57, 12576–12587.

2. Vidyanshu Mishra, Anton O. Oliynyk, Udumula Subbarao, Saurav Ch. Sarma, Dundappa Mumbaraddi, Soumyabrata Roy, and Sebastian C. Peter. "Complex Crystal Chemistry of Yb6(CuGa)50 and Yb6(CuGa)51 Grown at Different Synthetic Conditions" Crystal Growth & Design 2018, 18, 6091–6099.


1. Udumula Subbarao, Soumyabrata Roy, Saurav Ch. Sarma, Sumanta Sarkar, Vidyanshu Mishra, Yatish Khulbe, and Sebastian C. Peter. "Metal Flux Growth, Structural Relations, and Physical Properties of EuCu2Ge2 and Eu3T2In9 (T = Cu and Ag)" Inorganic Chemistry 2016, 55, 10351–10360.